Upper West Side: (212) 787 8040 | Greenwich Village: (212) 647 1519

View .vs No View


Let’s be honest – some of us New Yorkers have amazing views where we can watch the sailboats on the Hudson or East rivers or have great cityscape views of the ever changing colors of the Empire State Building, while others of us look into our neighbors’ apartments 20 feet away. One of the first questions we ask people when they walk into one of our showrooms is “Do you want to see through your window treatments, or is privacy an issue?”

Fortunately, we have many options available, whether they are of the sheer variety allowing for clear see-through, or those that block our neighbors looking directly into our apartments, and many options in between. Just because you don’t have great views doesn’t mean you can’t have great looking window treatments that soften what’s beyond them to add color and luxury to your home and can also allow sunlight in while maintaining privacy.

At Crosstown Shade & Glass we are experts at helping our customers enhance their views or providing solutions if you don’t. Please stop by one of our two locations, on the Upper West Side at 200 West 86th Street or our West Village location at 115 West 10th Street or give us a call. Our sales associates are here to answer all your questions and meet your needs.

Summer Falls Into Autumn

“And all at once,...


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Come Visit Our Convenient Manhattan Locations:

Upper West Side, Manhattan
200 West 86 Street
New York, NY 10024

PH: (212) 787 8040
 FX: (212) 787 8469

MON, WED, FRI 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
TUES, THURS 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
SATURDAY - 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Greenwich Village, Manhattan
115 West 10 Street
New York, NY 10011

PH:(212) 647 1519
 FX:(212) 647 1570

Closed - Mondays

WED, FRI 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
TUES, THURS 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
SATURDAY - 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM


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